When Maine legalized fireworks in 2011, it gave local governments the ability to set their own restrictions.
Since, 46 municipalities have banned sale or use outright. Another 53 have passed restrictions for either sale or use and two have taken a straight not-in-my-backyard approach, banning only use.
So, before you set out with explosive Fourth of July plans, check this map to see just where fireworks are legal to use (and to link to specific local regulations).
For areas with no local rules or restrictions, state guidelines apply, laying out when and where one may set off fireworks in the state.
Those guidelines prohibit flying fireworks, require buyers to be 21 or over and require permission from the owner of the property where the fireworks are used.
Speaking from a childhood growing up around nearly annual fireworks mayhem in Southern California, I’ll add a safety reminder: legal fireworks can still burn you or the acres around you, so be careful.
The Maine Fire Marshall’s Office has safety tips and more on its website (did you know sparklers burn at 1200º Fahrenheit?).