Darren is a Portland-based reporter for the Bangor Daily News writing about the Maine economy and business. He's interested in putting economic data in context and finding the stories behind the numbers.
Election cash began rolling in April leading up to the 2018 race for governor, with relatively big donations. The 676 individual donors who put money into the campaigns donated $491 on average, according to reports covering donations from April to June.
Prescription rates for opioid painkillers dropped in all but Kennebec County while staying basically flat in Somerset, Washington and Lincoln counties from 2010 to 2015.
Independent research into state finances found Maine state government flush from 2002 through 2015, except for three years. Revenues fell short of expenses in 11 states, which Pew said “could constrain their future fiscal options.”
The increasing number of teenagers seeking summer work in Maine will have more options this year after a new law took effect opening more jobs to 14- and 15-year-olds.
Forecasters project highways are busier than ever this Independence Day weekend, fueled in part by gas prices that have remained at prices last seen about one decade ago.
To get a sense of what the shutdown means, I looked back to the past July 1, a balmy Friday, at what state government spent (thanks to the state’s Open Checkbook site).