Map: Bangor area tops statewide snowfall totals January 4, 2018Mapsblizzard, Maine, Snowfall, winter storm grayson By Darren Fishell Bangor led the state as of Friday morning, with 18.3 inches.
Worried about beach poopers? These places dump their treated waste in the water August 9, 2017Mapsoverboard discharge, solid waste By Darren Fishell 843 Maine municipalities, residences and businesses still treat and then dump their wastewater into public waterways and the ocean.
All of Maine’s lighthouses — even the dinky ones — in one map May 28, 2017Mapsholiday, lighthouses By Darren Fishell There’s plenty of lighthouses that, this summer, might take just a little more effort than they’re worth to visit. So, while dreaming of summer over a sometimes dreary Memorial Day weekend, consider this virtual lighthouse tour.